Americas lakes, rivers, oceans and the gulf of Mexico offer some of the best water for recreation on our continent. Whether you are watching them go by or riding in them, nothing beats the thrill of the boat or water craft as it speeds through the water.
There are several types of power water sports including pleasure boats, ski boats, power boat racing, personal water craft, and power surf boards. Power boating presents the ultimate in instant getaways and thrills. Whatever your pleasure, there is a powerboat and powerboating activity waiting for you.
Make sure that you operate the correct type of watercraft permitted in the area and licensing, fees and seasonal restrictions vary from site to site. Don't operate a boat or watercraft in areas where they are not permitted. These areas have been declared "off limits" to watercraft to protect wildlife, vegetation, or for your safety.
Please help to take good care of our lakes, rivers, and other waterways so that others may enjoy these areas for years to come.